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MASTERCARD® - Regulations

Mastercard has specific regulations and requirements that businesses must adhere to when accepting payments through their network. These regulations aim to ensure the security of transactions and protect the interests of cardholders. Here are some key Mastercard regulations for accepting payments:

  1. Compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): Merchants accepting Mastercard payments must comply with the PCI DSS, which is a set of security standards designed to protect cardholder data. Compliance involves implementing secure payment systems, maintaining a secure network, regularly monitoring and testing systems, and maintaining a strong information security policy.
  2. Authorization and Settlement: Merchants must obtain proper authorization from the cardholder’s issuing bank before completing a transaction. This involves verifying the card’s validity, ensuring sufficient funds or credit availability, and obtaining an authorization code. Settlement refers to the process of submitting authorized transactions for payment.
  3. Cardholder Verification: Merchants should use appropriate methods to verify the identity of the cardholder during a transaction. This typically involves obtaining the cardholder’s signature, validating the card’s security features, or using a secure PIN entry device.
  4. Prohibited Activities: Merchants must refrain from engaging in certain prohibited activities when accepting Mastercard payments. These activities include illegal or fraudulent transactions, money laundering, engaging in high-risk business types without proper approval, or circumventing Mastercard’s rules and regulations.
  5. Chargebacks and Disputes: Merchants must have a clear policy and procedure for handling chargebacks and disputes initiated by cardholders. Chargebacks occur when a cardholder disputes a transaction, and the merchant may be required to provide evidence of the transaction’s validity. Merchants should have mechanisms in place to handle chargebacks promptly and efficiently.
  6. Cardholder Data Protection: Merchants are required to protect the cardholder’s personal and financial data. This includes ensuring the secure transmission of cardholder data, securely storing data, and implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.
  7. Merchant Agreement: Merchants must enter into a merchant agreement with a acquiring bank or payment processor to accept Mastercard payments. The agreement outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties and includes compliance with Mastercard’s regulations and operating rules.
  8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Merchants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to anti-money laundering, consumer protection, privacy, and data security.


        For more information, please visit https://www.mastercard.us/en-us.html

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